The Obstacles in Practice
The 9 Obstacles of Yoga as defined by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras
Shraddha: an attitude of faith
The path is not always linear, but if you quiet the senses, quiet the mind, create a little stillness outside of yourself and within...
Sangha and keeping a heart practice
I hope you entered 2024 with some peace and ease in your heart. At Newburgh Yoga Shala we began the year looking at the deeper meaning of...
Pausing to Appreciate
As I was closing up the last portion of the different practices I'm blessed to hold important to keep cultivating an open heart and a...
What are you focusing on in your practice these days
A student recently asked me ‘What are you focusing on in your practice these days?’ Within the lineage of AshtangaYoga, parenting is the...
The 5 directions of Prana
At Newburgh Yoga Shala, my Shala in upstate New York, we have a theme of the month. Every month we focus on a new aspect of the practice...